Reply To: Possible visibility of Virgin Orbit launch from the UK on January 9th

Forums General Discussion Possible visibility of Virgin Orbit launch from the UK on January 9th Reply To: Possible visibility of Virgin Orbit launch from the UK on January 9th

Grant Privett

Using the graph Nick kindly provided of apparent elevation versus range, plus the ground path and flight profile I got some approx values.

If I am viewing the map right, the lat and lon lines are at 2 deg spacing, I get a position for the launcher as 37N 15.5W at T+480s and 32.5N 16.5W at engine cutout.

From Salisbury it looks like 200-300s after launch gives an altitude just under 4 degrees – rubbish, but just doable*from a high location on a good night, if the engine burn is very bright (who knows?). Okay, its a chance in a million.

From Lands End it is better – but still not great – at ~9 degs elevation at ignition +200s. Should be brighter though.

For Tenerife – I know someone out there currently. I get:
T+480s ~5 degs elevation at 160km alt, 970km distant with 0 deg bearing.
T+570s ~16degs elevation at 160km alt, 465km distant with 1 deg bearing.

For La Palma – for Paul
T+480 ~5 degs elevation at 160km alt, 950km distant with 13deg bearing.
T+570 ~18degs elevation at 160km alt, 442km distant with 17deg bearing.

I think I got that right… but some of the measurements have an element of handwavium.

Thanks again to Nick for the visibility map. I shall hang on to a copy of that.