BAA Journal – have your say

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    A new short survey asks for your help in planning the direction of your Journal. It takes just five minutes to complete and can be accessed here


    An advisory Strategy Group was assembled in autumn of 2021, to consider the overall direction of the Association. A final report from this group was published in 2022 October, which members can read here

    A number of recommendations came out of that report and the Council is setting up working groups to examine them. One such group has a remit of looking specifically at the recommendations relating to the Journal. As part of the work of this BAA Journal Working Group, a survey has been constructed, and we hope as many readers as possible complete it.

    A proposal under consideration is a modest expansion in the number of non-refereed pages per issue, so we would love to hear what you would like to see in an extended Journal.

    All responses will be anonymous. At the end of the survey are some questions on demographics, which help the Association monitor the diversity of our membership.

    The survey will close at midnight on Monday 17th July 2023. If you wish to enter the prize draw with a chance of winning a £50 Amazon voucher for completing the survey, please enter your e-mail address in the link at the end of the survey. Your e-mail address will not be linked to your responses.

    We thank you in advance of completing this important survey for us.

    BAA Journal Working Group
    David Arditti, Philip Jennings, Alexandra Hart, James Dawson, Jeremy Shears, Callum Potter

    Grant Privett

    That is extended in the number of pages it contains, rather than extended in the range of material included isn’t it?


    This is the purpose of the survey, to ascertain what you want. Do you want more pages in the Journal? If you do, what do you want on those pages? More of the same, or something else?

    The survey has been designed to be as open to ideas as possible.


    Gary Poyner

    What have questions 9-13 got to do with the Journal?


    Dr Andrew Smith

    I would assume it will allow the other answers to be filtered by these factors to see if different groups would like to see different things. I seem to recall it’s called segmenting the market.

    Regards Andrew

    Grant Privett

    Ah, had not realised that.

    So it could have more pages or it could change its content or both could happen!

    I know what I would prefer but this isn’t the place for that discussion.

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