Remote Observatory

Forums Telescopes Remote Observatory

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  • #624703
    Michael O’Connell

    Hi Folks,
    I’d be interested to know if anyone here has recommendations on remote observatory sites to rent in sunnier climates (preferably France, Spain or Portugal) please?
    In particular, ones where I can install my own scope and mount in an existing observatory, rather than installing my own observatory building.

    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Michael,

    I have my setup at Pixel Skies Astro in Spain. Excellent all round! Highly recommended.


    Michael O’Connell

    Good stuff. Thanks Ian.

    Peter Carson

    Hi Michael,
    I’ve had my equipment at e-Eye for the last 5 years and am very satisfied. They’re friendly and very professional. The site is great with excellent accommodation if you choose to go out there for a visit. You rent an individual observatory space and get control of your own roof.
    Please contact me if you want my experiences.

    Michael O’Connell

    Thanks Peter for that info. Much appreciated.

    Eric Watkins

    Hi Michael,

    this is a route I’ve decided to follow. The amount of observing due weather here, north Essex, this past 2 years is enough to make me give up.
    So I’d be interested in corresponding with you and any others with experience. I would prefer a site that has an even run of clear nights during a year rather than seasons, if such a thing exists. I will move my C14 Edge + Paramount. I’m mainly observing comets, active Centaurs/asteroids, exo-planets and CV variable stars.

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