Gallery memory limit

Forums Website News and Help Gallery memory limit

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  • #628620
    Steve Knight

    I appreciate the issues surrounding this but can I make a case for increasing the upload memory limit slightly from the current 3 MB. 5 MB would be good, 10 MB would be fantastic. For stills it is fine but for a video GIF it is a challenge. I have just spent a couple of hours gradually increasing the level of compression, reducing resolution and going for a progressively tighter crop to upload a time lapse showing RZ Cas dimming to comply with the memory limit. Appreciate that I can always post a link to it but it is nice for the thumbnail to appear in the gallery. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

    Dominic Ford

    Hi all,

    We’ve discussed this, and agreed to increase the maximum allowed file size from 3MB to 10MB.



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