Images of Comet 2009 P1 Garradd and the Coathanger
BAA members around the country managed to combine to produce a fine set of images over four nights to capture the passing of Comet 2009 P1 Garradd over the Coathanger.
Read moreBAA members around the country managed to combine to produce a fine set of images over four nights to capture the passing of Comet 2009 P1 Garradd over the Coathanger.
Read moreAs Comet Garradd makes its lazy sweep across the night sky, after last weeks close encounter with M71, this week the comet will cross just under the popular asterism known as the Coathanger.
Read moreThe Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) discovered a supernova in M101 on August 24th.
Read moreOver the next few nights the comet C/2009 P1 Garradd makes a close pass by of Messier object 71 in the constellation of Sagitta (the arrow). Close encounters between different classes of astronomical object are always of interest, both for the visual observer and the astronomical imager.
Read moreAlthough the Perseids are one of the stand-out meteor showers of the year, in 2011 the display is unlikely to be spectacular due to the interference of the full Moon.
Read moreNick James reports there are at least two ‘bright’ novae in M31 at the moment.
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