Forums General Discussion How was 2014 for you? 2014 OBSERVING STATISTICS

Denis Buczynski

My observing stats at Tarbatness Observatory MPC Code I81 in Highland Scotland for 2014  are as  follows:

JAN5 FEB17 MAR12 APR12 MAY4 JUN0 JUL0 AUG13 SEPT7 OCT 9 NOV13 DEC 10 total 94 nights = 1 night in 4 (1 in 3 nights if the summer 3 months are excluded)

These are defined as nights when I undertook CCD images for Comets or VS or TOCP confirmations . The summer months at 58d N lat are unusable due to all night twillight when observing is halted in MAY, June and July. These stats do not include nights when aurora and NLC observations were made. Rainfall here for the year was 855mm, this was slightly higher than the 18 year average of 796mm, so a bit wetter this year and substantially wetter than last year at 673mm.