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Robin Leadbeater

Multiple wrongly directed links from

Spectroscopy workshop at the Norman Lockyer Observatory October 2015
Alpy 600 Spectrograph workshop, Kintbury, October 2016
Observers’ Workshop on Variable Stars, Photometry and Spectroscopy, 29 Sep 2018
Using low resolution spectroscopy to confirm and classify supernovae (video from BAA meeting January 2018)
Starting in Spectroscopy (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
Pushing the limits using commercial spectrographs (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
Towards full automation of high resolution spectroscopy (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
HST CALSPEC calibrated absolute flux spectra for converting relative intensity to FLAM units

EDIT No idea where the graphic came from, I just entered the address of the page”