New website feedback

Forums Website News and Help New website feedback

Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 89 total)
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  • #607278
    Callum Potter

    We hope you will enjoy the new website.

    There is some new functionality and look and feel, and its likely there are a few bugs and broken links in places.

    Feedback would be very welcome and you can either email the web team by the contact form, or reply to this topic if you wish.


    Dr Paul Leyland

    Modulo an infuriating issue logging in (I appear not the only one to find this one) everything looks very nice and is working smoothly.

    My thanks and congratulations to the team who have done this work. I know from experience how difficult such major upgrades generally are.

    BTW, what is appropriate entry for the “Tags:” box just below? It seems to accept any old gobbledygook. (Please feel free to edit this post 😎 )

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Dr Paul Leyland. Reason: Change entry in Tags: box
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Dr Paul Leyland. Reason: Discovered spaceless "8 - )" was changed to emoji, so added another )
    Robin Leadbeater

    Multiple wrongly directed links from

    Spectroscopy workshop at the Norman Lockyer Observatory October 2015
    Alpy 600 Spectrograph workshop, Kintbury, October 2016
    Observers’ Workshop on Variable Stars, Photometry and Spectroscopy, 29 Sep 2018
    Using low resolution spectroscopy to confirm and classify supernovae (video from BAA meeting January 2018)
    Starting in Spectroscopy (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
    Pushing the limits using commercial spectrographs (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
    Towards full automation of high resolution spectroscopy (video from BAA/AAVSO joint meeting on variable stars, July 2018)
    HST CALSPEC calibrated absolute flux spectra for converting relative intensity to FLAM units

    EDIT No idea where the graphic came from, I just entered the address of the page”

    Robin Leadbeater

    Just added a post here, then edited it but it has disappeared ???


    EDIT It was about multiple wrongly directed links on
    EDIT no idea where that graphic is from I just entered the full address of the page with the wrong links


    Robin Leadbeater

    Another post has disappeared 🙁

    EDIT It may be related to adding complete web addresses. The post stayed when I shortened the addresses as below

    Trying again

    Some content which was free access previously is now members only. Is that a policy decision ?


    which I have linked to on other forums


    Nick James

    On the old site the latest forum posts were on the front page but this is not currently the case with the new site. That is a shame since the forum is the most interactive part of the site. I know that you can get to the forum via the community tab but many people and casual visitors will not bother to do that. Can we get the latest forum posts back on the front page please?

    Jeremy Shears

    I would also like to see the recent Forum posts on the front page, please.

    Gary Poyner

    I can’t say I like the new site very much. For me it’s too ‘loud’ and crowded even on my large desktop monitor, but especially so on a laptop and phone. Much preferred the old layout.

    I do appreciate all the hard work that’s gone into it though, but I’m not a fan of change for changes sake (I do realise that the web site needed to be upgraded behind the scenes though, so well done to all involved for that).

    Recent forum posts definitely need to be put back on the home page please! That was always my first stop when I visited the old site, and as Nick says above, this is probably true for a lot of other visitors too.


    Jeremy Shears

    I really like the fact that we see people’s proper names when they post now, rather than some pseudonym. Much more collegial!

    David Basey

    Fully endorse the view that forum posts should show on the front page.

    It might be useful if there was a “More..” button at the bottom of both the News and Tutorials columns.

    Regarding proper names vs. pseudonyms, I seem to recall that a couple of years ago some members were keen on the anonymity pseudonyms gave as it protected them from cropping up in search engine results.

    While it will take some getting used to I do like the design overall and having worked in IT have some inkling of the amount of work that must have been involved. Well done and thanks to everyone involved.


    Robin Leadbeater

    On mobiles the login option is right at the bottom of a long list, neededing to scroll down several pages. Suggest bringing it to a prominent position at the top

    Robin Leadbeater

    Forum posting form seems to be plain text only. How are images, links, attachments added ?

    Robin Leadbeater

    Logging in every time is getting tedious and the login always taking you back to the home page instead of staying on the page you were on adds to the frustration. Definitely need a keep logged in cookie

    Alan P Buckman

    The new website is probably more useful in that many more categories appear in the menu across the top.

    So multiple choice searching for videos – can a video appear on more than one section by tags? Can we add tags or just the management team? For instance I came across Nick White’s very informative video about very close binary star observing and it was in the Meetings list but it should also be in the Equipment and Techniques list.

    I know you have been busy but just a thought!….


    Robin Leadbeater

    There appears to be two login options at the bottom of the forum pages. The square button goes to a wordpress login rather than direct to the sheepcrm login

    Robin Leadbeater

    On the home page when logged in, the big “Observe” and “Explore” buttons both go to the same place (the image gallery). Would it be better to replace one of them with the “Discuss” button ?

    Dr Paul Leyland



    Alan P Buckman

    Selecting ‘SECTIONS’ the drop down list goes off the bottom of my screen and when I move my cursor down I get to ‘M’ then off the box as I have reached the bottom of the screen, so the list disappears.

    Using a laptop with only the cursor pad – no wheel.


    Alan P Buckman

    I can’t find the forum sorted by department. I found this extremely useful as it collected together all the emails on say ‘Equipment & Techniques’ together. Have I missed something?


    Found it. What appears to be an unmarked button called SUBJECT alongside the default option list.

    Sorry I don’t get on with buttons that do not look like buttons.


    David Boyd

    Please put the list of recent Forum posts back on the home page. It is always the first place I look when going to the website.

    And can it be made to remember my login so I don’t have to do this every time I visit the website.

Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 89 total)
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