Reply To: Light pollution: Huge fall in stars that can be seen with naked eye

Forums General Discussion Light pollution: Huge fall in stars that can be seen with naked eye Reply To: Light pollution: Huge fall in stars that can be seen with naked eye

Antonello Gaviano

Totally agree.
I grew up in the mountains of Sardinia and I remember seeing the Milky Way right from my house.
For the same view, today, you have to travel km and km.


Location: Eching, Bavaria, Germany.
Interests: Moon, planets, deep sky, comets, minor planets, astrophotography, archeoastonomy.
Bio: Italian amateur astronomer, living in Eching, Bavaria, Germany.
Observing sites: Bortle 3 (Bavarian Alps) and Bortle 5 (Eching, Bavaria, Germany).
Telescope: Celestron AVX C9.25
Binoculars: APM 40x110 ED | IBIS 20x80 ED | IBIS 15x70 ED | Nikon Aculon 10x50