Reply To: Duplicate Upload Error for two different observatories

Forums Photometry Duplicate Upload Error for two different observatories Reply To: Duplicate Upload Error for two different observatories

Andy Wilson

Hi Ian,

I have implemented a change to the BAA Photometry Database that should resolve this problem.

The upload now checks the Julian date, object, observer id, filter (visual observations are automatically recorded as no filter), location and instrument.

This does mean it is just a little easier to upload duplicate observations, especially as the instrument and location are free format fields. However, it should be rare that someone comes back to upload observations at a later date but with very slightly different entries for these fields.

I should add that while I have tested this for a variety of scenarios, I can’t check all possible scenarios. Hopefully it won’t cause problems for other observers. There is a chance it has slowed down the upload processing, but hopefully any impact will not be noticeable.

One final thought. For an observation to be flagged as a duplicate, the Julian dates must be coincident in time to better than a tenth of a second. That is certainly possible, but I thought I’d mention it as my expectation would be for a few seconds or tenths of seconds between the timing of images with different setups, with just a few occasions where they agree to better than a tenth of a second.

Best wishes,