Reply To: What is your ideal telescope for astrophotography?

Forums Telescopes What is your ideal telescope for astrophotography? Reply To: What is your ideal telescope for astrophotography?

Dr Paul Leyland

David: The Vera Rubin telescope has both an enormous aperture (8.4m) and a very low focal ratio ( f/1.23). Its field of view exceeds my 0.4m f/6.5 scope about 20-fold and its collecting area about 200-fold (call it a limiting magnitude about 5 magnitudes fainter than mine).

But this is an exceptional case and your post applies to almost all telescopes and certainly all amateur telescopes.

Once more: the question comes back to: what is your budget?

Until we get sensible answers to this question, and to the one about intended use, the original question is indeed unanswerable.

Karl: what is your budget and what do you want to image?

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Dr Paul Leyland. Reason: Correct the numbers