Reply To: Elections to BAA Council

Forums General Discussion Elections to BAA Council Reply To: Elections to BAA Council

Andy Wilson

I believe there are differing opinions on the entire purpose of the ballot. While ideally there would be multiple candidates for each position, the vote could be considered an affirmation of the candidates to their positions by the membership, even when there are no other candidates.

There are also issues with the BAA being a charity where the Trustees take ultimate responsibility for the governance. There needs to be a formal process for appointing Trustees. A ballot is an excellent and transparent way to accomplish this.

There is the separate question of whether to hold a postal ballot or just digital. The postal ballot accounts for around half the cost but only around 2% of eligible members vote this way.

On a side topic. While the turn out is low, I am not convinced it is shockingly low for a membership organisation. A little over 22% of eligible members voted this year. This compares to 67% in the 2019 UK general election and 36% in the 2021 English local elections.

  • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Andy Wilson.
  • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Andy Wilson.
  • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Andy Wilson.