Query on astronomy for the visually impaired

Forums General Discussion Query on astronomy for the visually impaired Query on astronomy for the visually impaired

David Strange

Probably the best person to contact would be Nic Bonne who runs the Tactile Universe https://tactileuniverse.org/  Nic is a  visually impaired professional astronomer who has made a series of 3D printed tactile objects of planets, moons, galaxies etc. Last year at the NLO we ran a one day Tactile Astronomy Day for our local charity Moor Vision https://www.moorvision.org/  We were able to offer NASA braille constellation charts, lunar craters made out of plaster of paris, planets on a string to show scale of solar system and letting students feel a telescope, lens and eyepiece. It was as a rewarding experience for those helping as it was for the visually impaired.
