Re:Observing stats: how was 2013 for you?

Forums General Discussion Observing stats: how was 2013 for you? Re:Observing stats: how was 2013 for you?


Posted by M C Butcher at 13:47 on 2014 Jan 04

I had thought that 2012 was not a good year but then 2013 came along and it was much worse!During the year I observed on 9 nights only (for a total of 16 hours 35 minutes). On all other occasions it was either cloudy or too windy or both. My best months were August (2 nights 4 hours 50 minutes) and October (3 nights 8 hours 25 minutes).A very windy year, 2013 saw 2 days with Violent Storm Force 11 winds, 5 days with Storm Force 10 winds, 13 days with Severe Gale Force 9 winds and 43 days with Gale Force winds. Since mid-October it has been too windy to set up a telescope.I missed 14 nights through being absent.Here’s hoping for a better 2014.Martin ButcherIsle of Colonsay