› Forums › Comets › Terry Lovejoy and TJL006 › .Reply to Nick

Thank you Nick. After hearing about Terry’s discovery I checked out “The possible Comet Confirmation Page” http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/NEO/pccp_tabular.html and listed the emphemerides to get basic time and location info. I dual imaged with both the C14 and the 4″ F4 Pentax, starting when the comet was 4 degrees above the horizon. As it turned out the RA&Dec position in the emphem. were about 10 arc mins out, so it was off plate for the C14, but on for the Pentax. It was a devil of a job to find it on the low resolution image even after stacking with Astrometrica using the “/min & P.A. motion info from the site.
Note for some: All though not obvious you can backdate the emphem by putting a negative number in the :
Start ephemerides at now + hours