The eta Aquariids (ETA) are expected to produce their peak rates on May 5 – 6. They are debris from comet 1P/Halley and are swift meteors with geocentric velocities of 66 km/s. Their radiant rises at about 02:00 UT and at this time of year in the UK and Ireland this leaves a narrow observing window before twilight ensues.
The ETAs can put on a good display for observers in the southern hemisphere, with a peak ZHR of 40 meteors; observers in the British Isles can expect to see a small number per hour, although the low radiant can produce some long-pathed meteors:
Observation by Alex Pratt: eta Aquariid meteor – 20210502_022857 – BAA Image Library (
This topic was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by
Alex Pratt.