Happy new year all,
2021 has started well with some clear nights and a plentiful haul of spectra.
Got this one earlier this evening, a most peculiar spectrum.

What is shown is the second order spectrum, it’s approx 0.13nm/pix!, and for the first time I’ve managed to catch an image where the sodium doublet is cleanly resolved. That’s the pair of lines at the far left. What else is there seems to be only Fe and Cr, none of the usual Mg or Ca. Thats what makes it different! Searching my records I found a similar one…
This one is from Apr 2018.
Looks like the same spectrum structure, so two examples now.
Most excellent!
PS. There are reports on the AMS fireball site of an event around this time over northern England. This MIGHT be the same event, if so I think it’s the first time ever such a meteor has had it’s spectrum recorded as well!!!