Hi,Does anybody in the solar section, who is observing in white light. Use a Baader Solar Continuum Filter?I want to know what advantage’s there are to using one of these, over a Deep Orange filter, that I currently use.
Hi.Yes I use the continuum filter. I use it with a 120mmm achromatic refractor and a herschel wedge. The filter will impart a green colour to the sun’s disk. I find the views are improved with the filter in two ways. 1: Sharper. I believe the green filter reduces chromatic abberation on the achromat. 2: Granulation and faculae are much more visible. I hope this is helpful.Regards.Tom Moran
Thank you Tom,I am currently using a Antares Green filter for solar observation’s with a Baader WL filter. This filter enhances, surface granulation and faculae.Would I notice any significant difference if I bought a Baader SCF?
Paul.I cannot say because I have not observed the sun through the set up you describe. It’s a pity one cannot try these expensive filters out before buying. I guess the green filter you are using will not enhace the detail seen on the disk. All I can say is that in my opinion the continuum does as it says on the tin!http://www.baader-planetarium.uk.com/productinfo.php/filters/solar-c+d-erf-filters/solar-continuum-filter-540nm-317mm/3411I hope this is useful. BTW it’s a pity the sun is relatively quiet in WL at the moment.Kind regards.Tom
It is indeed a pity. I have my WL filter attached to my WO at the moment. There is nothing to see at x16 or x22 with both a Baader contrast boost filter or my Green filter.BBSO shows AR1236 on the North-Western limb, and very little else.http://www.bbso.njit.edu/Images/daily/images/gongint.jpg