Batch processing spectra

Forums Spectroscopy Batch processing spectra

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  • #574701
    Dr Andrew Smith

    I have now a accumulated a number of spectra of M Dwarf flares. I need to process 50 to 100 spectra per flare as a time series. I.e. reducing each one individually.

    Can anyone point me to the best software that can manage this or do I need to revisit IRAF.

    Regards Andrew 

    Robin Leadbeater

    Hi Andrew,

    If you untick the box that deletes the intermediate files, ISIS saves the individual profiles in a time series (as



    Robin Leadbeater

    a quick example, red is the final profile from the individuals

    Dr Andrew Smith

    Thanks Robin, that might be just what I need. Just got to work out how to easily rename the files in a way ISIS expects. I have a rename program that should work!

    Forrest Sims

    Hi Andy,

    I use MaximDL for spectrum image acquisition.  It does not name the files in a way that ISIS can work with so I wrote this little script a few years ago to rename the files to work with ISIS.  What it is actually doing in this case is removing leading ‘0’s in the sequence numbering to match ISIS requirements.  I put a copy of the script which I call ISSIS-rename.ps1 in the folder with the raw spectrum files and then right-click on it and choose Run with PowerShell.  I would imagine that you could modify this script to work with the files created by your acquisition software.  Hope this helps.

    Woody Sims

    Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “-0“,”-” }

    Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “-0“,”-” }

    Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “-0“,”-” }

    Dr Andrew Smith

    Thanks Woody, I will give that a go.  Regards Andrew

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