
Forums General Discussion Betelgeuse

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  • #620701
    Alex Pratt

    Hi Ian,

    Here’s a link to using the drift-scan technique for occultation events

    I’ve no experience of using it, and the Betelgeuse event was gradual.

    All observers who attempted to observe the Betelgeuse occultation are requested to submit a report form and their raw data to the pro-am campaign team in Paris. This is discussed in Josselin Desmars’ presentation
    (PDF in this link)

    (video at this link – talk begins at 1hr 51m)

    Create an account on the Occultation Portal

    then upload your report file and data (see other methods if files are very large). The Paris team will analyse your data.

    Alex (back in ‘sunny’ Leeds)

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Alex Pratt.
    Jeremy Shears

    An MNRAS submission on “Images of Betelgeuse with VLTI/MATISSE across the Great Dimming” appears on ArXiv today:

    The authors present mid-infrared long-baseline spectro-interferometric measurements of Betelgeuse taken with the VLTI/MATISSE instrument before (Dec. 2018), during (Feb. 2020), and after (Dec. 2020) the Global Dimming Event. This supports the theory that the dimming was due to dust (especially SiO) being blown off by the red supergiant.

    Alex Pratt

    Thanks Jeremy.

    Miguel Montarges is the lead scientist of the Leona-Betelgeuse pro-am campaign and he has just e-mailed the group to mention that they’ve received over 100 observations, and 75 of the light curves are almost not – or not at all – affected by clouds. Recordings were obtained using various filters, so they should be able to measure Betelgeuse’s diameter at a range of wavelengths.

    As a very provisional example, Dave Herald measured a light curve obtained in Ha by Alfonso Noschese, and after applying a large limb darkening coefficient it gave a diameter of 60 mas.

    The campaign team also hopes that the dataset will detect the huge convection cells in Betelgeuse’s photosphere.



    Jeremy Shears

    It will certainly be interesting to see what new insights emerge from analysis of the occultation, Alex!

    Alex Pratt

    Hi Jeremy,

    Tim and I will post an update whenever any results are made available.



    Jeremy Shears

    Costantino Sigismondi reports Betelgeuse is dimming and is now as faint as it has been for two years:

    whilst nothing like as faint as it got during the great dimming of a few years ago, it’s worth keeping an eye on as Orion dips towards the west.

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