David Sellers has just published a comprehensive biography of Charles Thomas Whitmell (1849-1919) a school inspector and amateur astronomer from Leeds.
Whitmell was elected to the BAA on 1895 November 27 and the RAS on 1898 December 9. He went on the eclipse expedition to Navalmoral, Spain, in 1900 where he met Lucy Foster. They subsequently married in 1903. Lucy shared Charles’ passion for astronomy and she joined the BAA in her own right on 1902 February 26.
The usual price is £27:00, but David has kindly offered a discounted price of £18:00 to BAA members. To get a copy please apply by email to Magavelda Press: magavelda@ntlworld.com
Further information about the book can be found at http://www.magavelda.co.uk/books/9780954101312.htm