Posted by M C Butcher at 11:11 on 2013 Aug 12
The above inquiry was made in late June 2013. With the arrival of slightly darker nights, but whilst M16 was still above the horizon (only 16 degrees above to be fair), I was able on 7/8 August to achieve a passable result. The set up configuration was an unmodified Canon 40D mounted at Prime Focus with a Focal Reducer (f/6.3). The LX-90 was unguided and a total of 7 x 60 sec sub-exposures (ISO 1600) were usable and processed in Images Plus, Noise Ninja and finished off on Photoshop CS5. I was most surprised to achieve a recognisable result with so few sub-exposures taken with an unmodified camera. The results have been forwarded to the Deep Sky Section.Martin Butcher