Just an update on the DIY spectroscope front…
I finished the newly published Version 2 of Paul Gerlach’s LowSpec both in 300 and 1800 grating forms plus a “Star Analyser 200” based Tragos.
The first picture shows calibraton lines and the spectrum of an evil 5700K streetlight for the LS2/300.
The second, for the 1800 grating, shows the Ha region of a daylight (cloudy) spectrum, uncorrected, so ignore the continuum with respect to the Miles standard. Everything pretty much in the right place and plenty of detail. Used 11 Neon calibration lines right across the frame.
And finally the Tragos. The calibration was simple the detail surprising. Another cloudy day spectrum, uncorrected.
All taken with an SXVH9 and attached to a 50mm F7 refractor on the bench.