After waiting two weeks for a clear night I finally managed to get a few shots of Comet 2020 F3 (NEOWISE).
Whilst taking a sequence of images a bright meteor chanced to flash into view very close to the comet.
This is an 8 sec exposure with a 135mm f2 lens (at f2.8) iso 800. time was approximately 23.16UT +/- 1 min. Camera time not accurate. On the raw frame the characteristic green colour of the forbidden O line at 557.7nm is seen at the start of the trail and the end is red tinged from O and N emission. The meteor was probably very swift ~60km/s.

I only was aware of the flash as I was checking the camera, the merest glimpse! It has been suggested that this might be an early Perseid. Certainly added to the evenings entertainment!