Nickel Iron Meteor

Forums Meteors Nickel Iron Meteor

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  • #628417
    Bill Ward

    The first decent night in ages! Captured this gorgeous and quite rare Type B, pure nickel iron meteor spectrum.
    These represent only a few % of all meteors.
    The colourised synthetic spectrum shows the huge yellow/orange thermal emission. The bulk material is different but it is an interesting illustration of the way filament bulbs glow viz a heated metal in a near vacuum!

    Bill Ward

    Hi All,
    An update on the observation. The meteor was caught by several UKMON stations and an orbit has been determined.
    See graphic for plan view. Inclination was at ~10 degrees and the velocity was slow at 10.6km/sec.
    It always great to tie down an orbit.
    Orbital info/plot courtesy of UKMON (thanks to the observers and UKMON for making this info publically available!)

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