Spectrum of Nova Sct 2018 recorded on 30th June with a C11 + LISA spectrograph and 60min total exposure. At an altitude of only 23 deg from here, the atmospheric correction may be unreliable but the spectrum clearly shows strong H-alpha emission and P Cygni profiles on several identified lines. Ejection velocity on the absorption trough of the H-alpha line extends to -1700 km/s. According to ATel 11802 http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=11802 this is an optically thick nova in the Fe-curtain stage. Other spectra can be found in the ARAS database at http://www.astrosurf.com/aras/Aras_DataBase/Novae/2018_NovaSct2018.htm
Thanks for pointing out this object. I have been wanting to have a look – and get a low res spectrum with my StarAnalyser – but cloud has been rolling in from the sea night after night after night!