Pixinsight question

Forums Imaging Pixinsight question

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  • #623734
    Steve Knight

    Trying to save images registered in the StarAlignment tool as TIF’s. Tried changing the default I/O file format in Global Preferences to *.tif, does not work, also tried editing source code of StarAlignment changing it from P.outputExtension = “.xisf”; to P.outputExtension = “.tif”;
    File format is still .xsif.
    I’d also be happy with FITS files, I can readily convert them to TIF.
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Steve,

    Use the BatchFormatConversion script (in Script->Batch Processing to convert the xisf files TIF or FIT files etc. See the attached screen shot. You just need to type in the file extension and the format you want (for example 16-bit integer or whatever).

    Never be tempted to prevent Pixinsight working with the incredibly powerful xisf file format otherwise you will lose a lot of other functionality such as the History Explorer. Just convert at the last moment when you need another file format.


    Steve Knight

    Thanks Ian! I will give that a go.



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