private messaging members

Forums Website News and Help private messaging members

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  • #609194
    Robin Leadbeater

    I cant seem to find out how to do this. Didn’t this used to be possible from the observer’s profile page ?


    Daryl Dobbs

    It’s not as intuitive as the old version where it was possible to PM from the observers profile page or image. I did a test message but didn’t send it.
    Under Forum third heading along Private Messages, I had to click on this twice before I got a menu, under New Message I started typing your name and it’s only when I got to your surname your full name appeared in blue?
    I was hoping for a button in the members profile like the old system or along side their name in the forum post.
    I’ll try it again in a minute

    Daryl Dobbs

    Well it appears to work as Robin you should have a message but not sure if this new system notifies you?

    I had to click on the Private Message tab twice as the first time it went back to the forum menu? something which needs fettling.

    Anyone got any carrier Pidgeon’s!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Daryl Dobbs.
    Robin Leadbeater

    Hi Daryl,

    Thanks for pointing me to the new place.  I got an email notification of your message with a link to it that did not work. There was a banner at the top of the website saying I had a message which I managed to find but as you say the buttons on the private message page are not working correctly so some bugs there to sort out



    Robin Leadbeater

    This is the email notification I got with the failed link

    You have received a new message in
    British Astronomical Association
    From: Daryl Dobbs
    Subject: private messages
    Please Click the following link to view full Message.

    Robin Leadbeater

    It Looks like there are loads of bugs in this function. I have just gone back to read your message and it has disappeared! Also when I selected the message I sent to you I got directed to this site.



    Daryl Dobbs

    Yep certainly a few bugs to sort out, no reply function on the message I got and when I click on the private message tab it sends me back to the main menu so I had to click on it again to get to the private message menu.

    Best wishes

    Daryl Dobbs

    Best highlight that one to Callum and the webops team, just checked my email notification and it indicates the BAA? very odd.

    Robin Leadbeater

    Best highlight that one to Callum and the webops team, just checked my email notification and it indicates the BAA? very odd.

    I’ve removed the post as it appears to contain personal information of a BAA member

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