RA Section Zoom presentation Monday 10th June 19:30 BST – VBLI

Forums BAA Events and News RA Section Zoom presentation Monday 10th June 19:30 BST – VBLI


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  • #622970
    Paul Hearn

    Paving the Way: Next-generation Developments in Very Long Baseline Interferometry
    Dr Jack Radcliffe – UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC) research scientist at the University of Manchester and senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria

    The Zoom room will be open from 19:15 BST (18:15 UTC).  Zoom link will be sent out Friday 7th June

    In the past few decades, surveys using radio telescopes have provided us with unique insights into many areas of astrophysics such as star formation, supernovae, active galactic nuclei, pulsars, cosmology and much more. A key aspect of these surveys is the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) which can provide some of the highest resolutions possible in astronomy. This method has made crucial discoveries in many areas of astrophysics and geodesy including cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei, explosive phenomena and transients, stars and stellar masers in the Milky Way, celestial reference frames and space applications. In this talk, I shall review some of the discoveries made using VLBI, and highlight the exciting developments coming from existing and new instruments such as the ngVLA, next-generation Event Horizon Telescope and the Square Kilometre Array. 

    If you want to be added to the Zoom Distribution list please let me know.
    Paul Hearn [paul@hearn.org.uk]

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