Spectroscope parts for sale

Forums Spectroscopy Spectroscope parts for sale


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  • #628454
    Kevin Gurney

    There is a group of amateur spectroscopists in the US who are building a second version of the NOU_T spectroscope designed by Joan Guarro Fló.

    It turns out that the US group bought one of the NOU_T units to work from, but it is now surplus to their requirements. They are wondering if there might be someone who might want to buy this original unit?

    Jerry Foote (lead constructor on the project) says:
    “The prototype is the original NOU_T that Joan Guarro Fló built. It includes all of the original metal parts as well as the fasteners. It does not include any optics. At present it is unassembled but I can assemble it if needed. It uses a halogen lamp for taking flats and two Relco lamps (included) for calibration. It did not come with the flat lamp but I have a 4700K 50W 12V lamp that can be included.”

    Kevin G.

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