SS Cygni has started outburst again

Forums Variable Stars SS Cygni has started outburst again

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  • #623866
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi all,

    I have been intensively imaging SS Cyg for the past few weeks, ever since I reported its last outburst and I am pretty confident a new one is just underway.

    See the attached graphs which show the light curve from April where my last two sets of R and V measurements from last night are the latest points. Also, a chart of last nights measurements showing the rise.

    Notice the increase in variability as the cycle progresses towards the outburst. I have seen as much as 0.4-0.5 magnitudes in both R and V over the course of 2 or 3 hours in some nights.


    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Here is an update from last night where I imaged SS Cyg the whole night with 545 measurements in the R and V. It was at, or near its peak brightness.


    Mr Ian David Sharp

    I think last night (24/25 July) was the peak. I took another 6.5 hour run. Quite a bit of variability seen in the R and V plot.


    Jeremy Shears

    Nice work Ian 👍🏻

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