SU UMa – Superoutburst and Superhumps

Forums Variable Stars SU UMa – Superoutburst and Superhumps

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  • #626946
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi all,

    I saw the BAA VSS alert on 3rd Dec. about SU UMa going into a superoutburst so I have been monitoring it since. It is now slowly fading from around mag 11 or so. Last night I imaged it for longer and got the attached light curve in V. I think these are superhumps? Peranso tells me the period is around 1.7 hours.


    Jeremy Shears

    Well it looks like humps, Ian. But they are pretty small and somewhat irregular for fully grown superhumps. It was also fading quite quickly. I hope you will get some more data.

    Looking into the BAA VSS and AAVSO databases, there are fewer obs of this archetypal dwarf nova in recent years. This is a real pity, so it’s good you are following it. Occasionally it does odd things. There have been a few epochs when it stopped superoutbursting, eg 3 years in the 1980s, plus some more recent times. And in 2020 it apparently showed no outbursts at all for ~4 months.

    Jeremy Shears

    Looks like the superoutburst is over, now at 14th mag. It lasted ~15 days

    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi all,

    It seems SU UMa has brightened again. Last night was around 12.75 in V. See attached.


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