- This topic has 21 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 4 months ago by
Dominic Ford (site admin).
5 January 2011 at 2:46 pm #573039
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Marlyn Smith at 14:46 on 2011 Jan 05
A new thread for 2011 pics. How fitting to start with some atmospheric images of the recent partial eclipse from 4th January.
Above image by Richard McKim 0825 UT
Image by Alan Tough, Elgin at 0929 UT using a Sky Watcher ED80
G L Schott, Wesel, Germany
John Vetterlein, Orkney, 0926 UT
Andrew Robertson, Norfolk, 0928 UT using 4" Vixen
G L Schott, Wesel, Germany
Image by Martin Mobberley
6 January 2011 at 6:26 pm #575443Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by TonyAngel at 18:26 on 2011 Jan 06
Sierra de la Contraviesa, Granada, Spain Sony Cam Recorder plus Welding Glass
12 January 2011 at 2:20 pm #575447Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by at 14:20 on 2011 Jan 12
Excellent photographs, congratulations to everyone. North Wales has been bathed in cloud for virtually 2 months, so no photographs of solar phenomena possible. Favourable weather forcasts for the region would be appreciated!
8 March 2011 at 8:23 pm #575579Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 20:23 on 2011 Mar 08
This image was taken last August on my Lunt 60mm DS mounted on a small skywatcher eq5 promount.
8 March 2011 at 9:40 pm #575582Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 21:40 on 2011 Mar 08
Beautiful Image Stephen…. Hope I’ll be able to take some stunning pics like this one day :-)…All the bestNorman
9 March 2011 at 9:15 pm #575585Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 21:15 on 2011 Mar 09
Thanks Norman, I am looking forward to getting some more images now the sun is getting above my tree line. Steve
16 May 2011 at 10:59 am #575651Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Marlyn Smith at 10:59 on 2011 May 16
Here a some recent images by Solar Section members. The below image is an H-alpha image taken by Pete Lawrence 20110508
Image below by Peter Woolliams 20110512
Image below by Martin Mobberley of AR1199 and filaments 20110501 at 0845UT
16 May 2011 at 11:10 am #575652Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Marlyn Smith at 11:10 on 2011 May 16
Above image by Martin Mobberley of AR1203 imaged at 0850 UT 20110501
Above image by Monty Leventhal showing a pair of large converging prominences imaged at 2230UT 20110511 (Australia)
Above image by Martin Mobberley of a prominence hearth imaged at 0814 UT 20110504
Above image by Dave Tyler showing white light and H-alpha images of AR1203 imaged at 0814 UT 20110502
A tenuous strand of plasma imaged by Dave Tyler at 0958 UT 20110501
20 May 2011 at 1:56 pm #575662Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Marlyn Smith at 13:56 on 2011 May 20
You can view more images on the Solar Section web pageswww.britastro.org/~solar/index.phpHere’s some more recent images received hot off the press!
Above prominences 20110519 0833 UT by Dave Tyler
Above AR1216 imaged in H-alpha by Martin Mobberley 20110519 at 0847 UT
Above prominences imaged by Martin Mobberly 20110520 0828 UT
Dave Tyler has merged two images above; the solar limb has been merged with an image of the lunar limb. Take a moment to consider the scale of the lunar limb and then look at the crater away from the limb several hundred km wide. Now look at the size of the that solar prominence some 93,000,000 miles further away and you get some idea of the scale!Solar image taken 20110513 at 0916 UT
8 July 2011 at 10:50 am #575716Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Marlyn Smith at 10:50 on 2011 Jul 08
Although the Sun is fairly quiet in white light at the present time, it continues to put on a spectacular H-alpha show. Here are some images from July.
Above image by Martin Mobberley showing AR1244 and dark filament above on the 2nd at 0844 UT
Filament approaching the limb and promience hearth on the limb by Dave Tyler on the 1st at 0816 UT
Prominence by Dave Tyler also on the 1st but at 0901 UT
29 July 2011 at 3:57 pm #575771Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant29 July 2011 at 4:34 pm #575772Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Paul A Brierley at 16:34 on 2011 Jul 29
Hi Marlyn,Know Sun here i’m affraid. I have total obscuration. Very good picture, by the way.
29 July 2011 at 11:06 pm #575773Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Marlyn Smith at 23:06 on 2011 Jul 29
Thanks Paul. The Sun does shine in Scotland occasionally, but not often! It’s been quite a few years since we’ve had sunspots like this and I’ve felt compelled to reach for the camera. Long may it continue towards sunspot max in 2013.
30 July 2011 at 6:10 pm #575774Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant31 July 2011 at 12:56 pm #575775Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant1 August 2011 at 10:09 am #575776Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant18 September 2011 at 8:23 pm #575803Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Paul A Brierley at 20:23 on 2011 Sep 18
I was able to look at our nearest star this morning.I counted five group’s visible at x25 through a Baader filtered 66mm William Optics "OG"You can read my report together with a drawing on my blog.I’ve mentioned to an observing colleague, jokingly. The Sun will probably wake up now. Now she’s heading South of the celestial equator. And thus making observing difficult from November.
9 October 2011 at 12:12 pm #575823Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant10 October 2011 at 8:38 am #575828Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant21 October 2011 at 7:18 pm #575837Dominic Ford (site admin)
Participant -
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