I have just uploaded MP4 video files of the slides and audio from the 30th October AGM and Ordinary meeting. You need to be logged in to access this:http://britastro.org/baa/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=16&Itemid=196The items are:- Review of the year (Prof. Bill Leatherbarrow).- The Presidential Address: Then and Now (Prof. Bill Leatherbarrow).- Sky Notes (Dr. Stewart Moore)Let me know if you have any problems accessing this or if you have any suggestions regarding this service.Nick.
As a new member of the BAA and one unlikely to visit London – I live in the wildernesses of Perthshire – can I say how much I am gaining from this service. In particular, I enjoyed listening to Prof Leatherbarrow’s ‘Now and Then’ Presidential Address and look forward to delving into other videos as time allows.Many thanks for this privision – Graham Taylor
As a member living in France, can I second the comment as to the usefulness of being able to access the meeting videos on line. Well done the BAA.David
Thanks. It’s good to know that these recordings are appreciated.We had an excellent Christmas meeting yesterday and I hope to have recordings uploaded soon.Nick.