Forum Replies Created
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Lavender at 18:07 on 2011 Mar 12
Thank you Roy. So are you confirming that the statement in "Turn Left at Orion" is incorrect:
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Lavender at 17:36 on 2011 Mar 12
Thank you Roy. So are you confirming that the statement in "Turn Left at Orion" is incorrect?
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Roy Hughes at 12:32 on 2011 Mar 12
SkyMap has alpha UMi at Dec 0 degrees and altitude +52 degrees from London so+52 deg. ( = latitude) up from the N horizon seems right.I’ve just stuck a clinometer on my equatorial (set up 35 years ago!) and confirmed it.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by TonyAngel at 20:29 on 2011 Mar 11
Well done!
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Steve Holmes2 at 15:36 on 2011 Mar 11
I’ve just fired off my latest broadside to the BBC, so we’ll see what they make of that!I’ve attached the file below – it’s a straight .TXT again so best to read offline. [file name=BBC_Complaint1.txt size=28062]/images_old/fbfiles/files/BBC_Complaint1.txt[/file]And here it is in .DOC (MSWord97) format, which should make it easier for those who can read it that way. [file name=BBC_Complaint1.doc size=76800]/images_old/fbfiles/files/BBC_Complaint1.doc[/file]
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Sheridan Williams at 09:01 on 2011 Mar 10
This has now been received and is being digitised.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Sheridan Williams at 09:00 on 2011 Mar 10
We need to see if we can persuade Jean Meeus to work on this.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 21:19 on 2011 Mar 09
Thanks Jeremy for the compliment, I hope to put the image on the deep sky section. Steve
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 21:15 on 2011 Mar 09
Thanks Norman, I am looking forward to getting some more images now the sun is getting above my tree line. Steve
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Duncan Bryson at 22:03 on 2011 Mar 08
This Facility is a good tool but I dislike it on the forum side.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Duncan Bryson at 21:54 on 2011 Mar 08
GarryI’d prefer not to have my picture on my profile. But I’ll look out for you.Sorry It’s just I prefer my picture not to be on the net.See you in April.Duncanp.s A picture of a galaxy is better than no picture at all
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 21:40 on 2011 Mar 08
Beautiful Image Stephen…. Hope I’ll be able to take some stunning pics like this one day :-)…All the bestNorman
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Jeremy at 21:33 on 2011 Mar 08
Nice image, Stephen. I hope you have also submitted it to the Deep Sky Section.Go well!Jeremy
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 20:33 on 2011 Mar 08
Duncan, many thanks for your reply and also to Callum, your help was much appreciated. Steve
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 20:23 on 2011 Mar 08
This image was taken last August on my Lunt 60mm DS mounted on a small skywatcher eq5 promount.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Callum Potter at 11:26 on 2011 Mar 07
Sorry folks – did not make the menu item ‘public’ (only us admins).You should find it on the Members menu now. And a small version in the right hand column slots of a few pages.Cheers, Callum
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Callum Potter at 11:22 on 2011 Mar 07
Also it has to be less than 150KB in size, and you can only attach one image per message.Callum
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Gary Poyner at 20:06 on 2011 Mar 06
If you had your photo as an avatar Duncan, I’d look out for you and say hello!Galaxies don’t help in this respect :-)Cheers,Gary
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Duncan Bryson at 18:49 on 2011 Mar 06
Hi StephenTo upload images click Reply and not Quick Reply then type your message and at the bottom of the text box click Choose File on SELECT IMAGE FILE TO ATTACHThen find the image on your computer and click OPEN then let it upload and click Submit or Preview then Submit
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Duncan Bryson at 18:01 on 2011 Mar 06
Well this will be my 3rd weekend.