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Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Roy Hughes at 14:34 on 2011 Feb 19
Norman,I’ve just flashed the SPC880 I bought as a back-up. No problems as I had a old XP machine [another one of my skip diving finds!]. Just read and follow the instructions VERY slowly and carefully.I looked up my old credit card statements and back in 2007 my original SPC900 set up cost me £48 for the camera, £20 for the adapter, £27 for the filter. That was a very good deal at the time, at the current price you got a real bargain.Roy
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 15:32 on 2011 Feb 18
Thanks once again Chaps :)@ RoyI’ll have a look at links & pages you’ve suggested, I will hang on for now before I download or order anymore gear, Until I receive my Scope & see just what I’m going to need or may require.Yes I do have an old 35mm Pentax SLR & would require some sort of adaptor to make the lenses fit the Canon 1000D, again I’ll wait & see once I receive the scope to see which way I go on this one. I have a programmable remote for my 1000D ‘LCD Timer Remote switch cord cable for Canon’ which gives me many options for timed exposures of up too 100 hours, reviews from other users sound very promising. Thanks again for the links :)..@ TonyThanks Tony, I have the BAA book on DSLR Astrophotography & it was the source of where I got the advice about the remote *see above*, It’s a good read & full of great tips & advice, so Thanks for your input :)..Just as a side note… I received the SPC880 (flashed to SPC900) webcam today & have taken the lens out and installed the adaptor & filter, so providing I get the time this weekend I will be installing the software onto my computer to give it test run in a dimly lite room, as it suggests, Although I realise the focusing will be non-plus until it’s attached to the scope, but as they also sent me a second ‘Un-flashed SPC880′(I only ordered one webcam?) will probably have more success with that one..Thanks again Gentlemen :)Norman
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by TonyAngel at 13:09 on 2011 Feb 18
…..and do not forget the BAA book on DSLR Astrophotography by Tony Morris
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Roy Hughes at 12:50 on 2011 Feb 18
Norman,Since you’ve homed in on the Canon DSLR you might find Michael Covington’s site(s) useful.Start with… and see what you think.(In the US of A the Canon models seem to carry the "Rebel" trade name, there are various sites with translation tables!)I’ve no personal experience with M. C. and Canons, but I have built (and modified) a couple of his projects and they worked out OK.See if you are curious – I set this one up a a learning exercise in 2002. Then the ISP went belly up and I could no longer update it. So now its a read-only, orphan, page. I think the links still work.I think you said you have a 35mm SLR. Depending on make you may be able to use the lenses with the Canon as you do not need the auto fuctions for astro work. When I last looked on ebay there were a number of adapters for Nikon and other makes, mainly from Hong Kong. But see Michael’s comments, you might need a support bar. [My SLRs are Nikon, and I was looking at Canon DSLRs too.]Roy
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 16:12 on 2011 Feb 15
Roy Hughes wrote:
Norman,One more note – watch out which set of instructions you follow when converting the webcam for basic astro use.…and scroll down a lot(!) has a good explanation. You just need to unscrew the lens!The funny foot will just snap off (snap as in elastic not snap as in break).Some of the pages out there include the long exposure mod and start by ripping the case apart and you won’t want this, at least not at first!RoyRoyAgain, Thanks so much for the link & all the help your giving me. In fact the help I’m receiving from all of you is indispensable & I am truly grateful.As regards to the ‘SPC900’, It will only ever be used with the Explorer 200P Scope I have ordered, So my Webcam order consist of:-SPC880 (with firmware upgrade to SPC900)Philip’s SPC880 1.25inch webcam adaptorIR/UV blocking filter 1.25inchSo the link you put up for me is just the order thanks :-)I had the ‘Skywatcher EQ5 Polar Alignment Scope’ & ‘Light Pollution Filter’ arrived today, the Canon 1000D (Body only & (spare battery & remote)) arrived on Saturday.So it’s all beginning to come together now & as the main scope doesn’t arrive until the end of the month it’s giving me time to do alot of reading, printing, laminating & generally getting my head around things :-).The computer is pretty much ready also, so will be installing the OS & transferring all the links, software & info that everyone has given or linked to me..Thanks againNorman
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 15:38 on 2011 Feb 15
Robin Vann wrote:
Ah! I didn’t pick up that your link was for TriAtlas. Apologies for recommending something you were already on to!Hi RobinPlease no Apologies needed, My fault for not specifying which Atlas I meant, I have rectified that now :)I’m just so very grateful & appreciative of all the Help, Advice & Time you are all giving me :)..Norman
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Roy Hughes at 13:08 on 2011 Feb 15
Norman,One more note – watch out which set of instructions you follow when converting the webcam for basic astro use.…and scroll down a lot(!) has a good explanation. You just need to unscrew the lens!The funny foot will just snap off (snap as in elastic not snap as in break).Some of the pages out there include the long exposure mod and start by ripping the case apart and you won’t want this, at least not at first!Roy
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Robin Vann at 12:51 on 2011 Feb 15
Ah! I didn’t pick up that your link was for TriAtlas. Apologies for recommending something you were already on to!
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 09:00 on 2011 Feb 15
Morning RoyThanks for the warning, I’ve downloaded the ‘VMA’ pack but haven’t installed yet as I’m just putting the finishing touches to a purpose built PC for my Astrological Escapades too come :)..Norman
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Nick James at 00:20 on 2011 Feb 15
Robin,Fantastic work and very nicely presented. A really good demonstration of what the determined amateur can do. Any chance of writing a summary of the poster for the BAA Journal?Nick.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by TonyAngel at 19:53 on 2011 Feb 14
Thank You Callum
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Callum Potter at 15:47 on 2011 Feb 14
Just to note that this Eclipse Gallery has been updated today with a number of new images (including Tony’s).Thanks, Callum
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Roy Hughes at 12:18 on 2011 Feb 14
Norman,More on VMA. There is one problem I should have warned you about.The picture libraries (as downloaded) are so packed with information that your anti-virus software may report them to you as "Archive Bombs". AVG 11, took 7 hours (to do a previous 1.5 hour scan) before giving up and removing them to the sin bin. Once unpacked they should be OK though. If you want to keep a backup of the compressed libraries do what I did and burn yourself a DVD.Roy.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 09:54 on 2011 Feb 14
TonyAngel wrote:
They are very good. I have used them from when the first edition came out. His overall website is quite interesting.Hi TonyYes it is a very informative & interesting site as you say. I can’t believe just how much is on those maps!!.. It’s staggering :-)…
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Norman Morton at 09:47 on 2011 Feb 14
Hi RobinOhhhh Yes I’m ‘Hoovering’ up information alright :-)… It’s fascinating stuff this. As for the ‘Triatlas’ (thats the ‘Star Map Atlas’ link from my last post) I’ve downloaded the charts & have printed off & laminated about 50% so far, It’s quite an informative site, with some decent links also..I have also ordered the ‘SPC880 Web Cam’ (with the SPC900 Firmware Upgrade) from ‘Morgan Computers’ that Roy suggested from an earlier post.So things are beginning to come together now with the help & suggestions I’ve had from you good peoples here :-)..ThanksNorman
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by TonyAngel at 09:41 on 2011 Feb 14
They are very good. I have used them from when the first edition came out. His overall website is quite interesting.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Robin Vann at 06:51 on 2011 Feb 14
I’m sure you’ll be ‘hoovering’ up information. That’s what happened when I started.Do have a look for TriAtlas ( before you commit to printing charts. There are three versions of increasing scale.Good luck,Robin
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Paul A Brierley at 19:06 on 2011 Feb 13
Thank you Callum. I hope some of our more hardy BAA members are able to attend. It really promises to be a very good week-end.We have two lecture’s booked, and these will be held in a large shed. Together with, possibly a bright comet on view in the South-West.
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 12:18 on 2011 Feb 13
Thanks Robin, very interesting poster. Steve Durr
Dominic Ford (site admin)
ParticipantPosted by Stephen Durr at 12:10 on 2011 Feb 13
Hello Tom, I have the 9.25 SCT and went for the NEQ6 and never regretted it. The mount is very robust and easy to use and will carry the 9.25 with out any trouble. I have heard that the CGEM can have problems from reading the cloudy nights forum. Best regards Steve.