Forum Replies Created
Ken Whight
ParticipantHere’s my resulys for Altair
Ken Whight
ParticipantI’ve also looked at Deneb, are my results realistic?
Ken Whight
ParticipantStudy of Vega/Sirius updated. If anyone wants to play with my software it can be downloaded from my website ( and I am happy to guide people throght it.
Ken Whight
ParticipantI’ve finished my analysis of the star Albireo B and obtained estimates of the stars photosphere thickness and pressure. I’ll analyse it’s disk in a future paper
Ken Whight
ParticipantHi Andy and thanks for your encouraging post.
When I started this project (about 10 years ago) I tried to deduce the photon capture cross-sections purely from the idea that they were proportional to capture rates. The BAA review of my original paper highlighted the fact that the Einstein coefficients needed to be included. This sent me on a bit of a lengthy “wild goose chase” as, although I eventually realised the B coefficients could be expressed in units of area (the same units as cross-sections), the variation of the B’s with wavelength was far to strong to reproduce my experimental results for absorption line depths. I only had the Planck and Boltzmann functions plus the B coefficients and various physical constants to play with and I just could not reproduce the Balmer series relative absorption line depths across the various stars I had modelled.
In desperation I returned to my original approach as represented by equation A.4.10 (in my previously attached Europa paper) and deduced equation A.4.15 using my, now fairly detailed, knowledge of Einstein Coefficients. Equation A.4.15 contains Einstein A coefficients which vary much more slowly with wavelength than the B’s and they appear in a summation so are really only converting the expression to the correct units, the variation of relative line depths in the spectral series is being determined by the Boltzmann and Planck functions. This form of cross-section performed well across the stars I had measured.
I would like to know how my analysis compares to the conventional approach using “oscillator strengths and B coefficients but have not managed to find such n analysis in the literature can anyone point me in the right direction?
Ken WhightKen Whight
ParticipantHello Grant. I submitted an early form of my work about 10 years ago (I was trying to separate stellar absorption from decreation ring emission in spectra from the fast rotator Albireo B). It was thoroughly reviewed and was rightly rejected as I had not fully understood all the physics. However since then I believe I have addressed the reviewers concerns and may have new results in the area of opacity (photon capture cross-sections) which I believe is still a problematic area (Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy, Anil Pradhan and Sultana N. Nahar). I am also getting good results when applying my methods to a number of stars.
I did try to re-submit a paper on this work about six months ago but it was not forwarded onto review hence these posts. I am hoping that someone with relevant knowledge will review the work and discuss it with me.
Ken WhightKen Whight
ParticipantHappy Christmas everyone! The theoretical side of my modelling project is complete. I can now make credible estimates of stellar photosphere pressures and thicknesses from Hydrogen Balmer series spectral line profiles. I attach the (hopefully) final version of my paper studying the Sun’s photosphere using my model via reflection spectra off Europa.
Ken Whight
ParticipantI have added 2 more sections to my, modelling spectral line profiles, Theory document:-
7.1 Multi-Layer Model Extension Applied to the Sun
7.2 Estimating Photosphere Pressure from Surface GravityI hope now to be able to:-
1 determine the pressure and thickness of a star’s photosphere
2 obtain a relation between the pressure impact parameter and photosphere temperatureI would welcome a “peer review” of this work.
Ken Whight
ParticipantI have also applied my model to Vega
Ken Whight
ParticipantI’m uploading a document that sets out in detail all the theory I’ve used/developed to model thermal equilibrium spectral line profiles. I would like to know if equation 6.32, for photon capture cross section, is correct and if it is correct is it known? If it’s not correct where is the mistake in the derivation and if it is correct and unknown can I claim it as the “Whight relation”!
Ken Whight
ParticipantI have completed a spectral analysis of Deneb
Ken Whight
ParticipantHi Jack,
Thanks for your interest, I started this project shortly after I retired and after many frustrating dead ends, as I struggled to understand the physics, I think I finally have the answer to the question “what would a black body photosphere look like spectroscopicly.I’m in the process of writing a followup paper on modelling Albireo B’s disk as a Kepler orbit disk and also have promising initial results for Deneb and Vega in the pipeline.
I would be very interested in discussing this work with you and others particularly if it resulted in some way of estimating the collision parameter to fix the thickness and pressure of a star’s photosphere.
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Ken Whight
ParticipantI have also used my software to model the blue component of Albireo in an attempt to separate the absorption and emission components. In the process I can calculate possible thicknesses and corresponding pressures of the star’s photosphere as a function of an “impact Parameter” does this relation look reasonable?