The ‘Great Filter Debate’

The Great Filter Debate took place in the BAA in the 1950s. As the writer was involved in the experiment, members of the Association may find the following account of interest.

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Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt cycle in 2009−2011: I. The SEB fade

Cycles of fading and revival of the South Equatorial Belt (SEB) are the most spectacular large-scale events that occur on Jupiter. The most recent started in 2009, when the SEB suddenly ceased its convective activity and began to fade. Modern amateur images, combined with measurements by the JUPOS team, have revealed several new insights into the process. In this pair of articles, I synthesise all the important results of the 2010 Fade (this paper) and Revival (following paper).

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Geminids 2012 − 2015: multi-year meteor videography

NEMETODE, a network of low-light video cameras in and around the British Isles, operated in conjunction with the BAA Meteor Section and other groups, monitors the activity of meteors, enabling the precise measurement of radiant positions, of the altitudes and geocentric velocities of meteoroids and the determination of their former solar system orbits. The results from multi-year observations of the Geminid meteor shower are presented and discussed.

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Saturn in 2002 − 2003: a report of the Saturn Section

Saturn’s rings were open to their maximum extent upon the southern face. Significant new spot activity began in the South Tropical Zone and the South Equatorial Belt Zone. The STropZ activity took the form of small white spots at Saturnicentric latitude −35°, with a mean drift rate of +0.5°/day with respect to System III. White spots in the SEBZ showed a drift rate of −8.0°/day versus System III, while there was continuing evidence for a relatively slow drift in the S. Equatorial Current. A historical survey of STropZ activity is included in an Appendix, which includes previously unpublished BAA data for the 1971−’72 apparition.

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Visual interference observations of sub-arcsecond double stars

An overview is presented of how to perform visual interferometry of double stars using an interference mask placed over the aperture of an undriven telescope. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that interesting and worthwhile observations can be obtained from a basic setup using a small telescope, thereby hopefully encouraging others to pursue this interesting field of astronomy.

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Percy Mayow Ryves (1881-1956): Observer, discoverer & BAA Section Director

The astronomical career of Percy Mayow Ryves, a BAA member from 1899 to 1956, and a Walter Goodacre medallist, is described in detail. Ryves contributed to the BAA for most of those 57 years, mainly as a variable star observer, but he also served as the Mars Section Director for 14 years. In addition, he was a popular BAA meetings speaker during the 1940s and 1950s. Ryves’ visual discovery of a comet, from Spain, in 1931 places him in the unusual category of being a BAA comet discoverer in that barren period between the W. F. Denning/ Edwin Holmes era and the prolific discovery period of George Alcock.

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Bright features on Neptune in 2015

In July 2015 Ricardo Hueso Alonso and colleagues discovered a bright spot on Neptune at latitude −41° with the 2.2 metre telescope of the Calar Alto Observatory. This paper reports observations and monitoring of this feature by amateur observers in the Netherlands and shows that with current amateur telescopes and digital cameras, bright features on distant Neptune can be detected and analysed.

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The brighter comets of 2009

This report describes and analyses the observations of the brighter or more interesting comets discovered or at perihelion during 2009, concentrating on those with visual observations. Magnitude parameters are given for all comets with observations. Additional information on the comets reported here and other comets discovered or at perihelion during the year may be found on the Section visual observations web pages.

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