Super Nova 2020 hvf in NGC 3643

Forums Variable Stars Super Nova 2020 hvf in NGC 3643

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  • #574609
    Eric Watkins

    I just managed to catch Callum Potter’s email circulation of  this evening  for   SN2020hvf in NGC 3643 (Leo).

    It wasn’t at all clear with high drifting cloud cover, however I managed to image the supernova.  Seeing   was poor through clouds and unable to get a good focus. 

    Robin Leadbeater

    This is an interesting one. It was discovered very early back on 21st April and is just hitting maximum light now. I took a spectrum on 27th April but could not then get a good match using the SNID classification software I usually use, possibly because it does not have many early spectra to compare with. Current spectra give a good match to type Ia now though and the brightness is bang on where it should be for a type Ia. Here is my spectrum (also in the BAA database as usual) and there is a more current spectrum here on the ARAS forum




    Mark Phillips

    I managed a couple of frames last night too and ran it through Muniwin (inexpertly!) and got 12.4 using a TR filter.

    David Boyd

    This spectrum of type 1a supernova SN2020hvf was taken on 11 May with a LISA spectrograph (R~1100) on a C11 and has been calibrated in absolute flux using a V magnitude of V=12.67 measured concurrently with the spectrum using another scope. The spectrum has been smoothed with a Gaussian factor 2.5.
    The blue-shifted location at 6118A of the prominent Si II 6355A absorption feature indicates an expansion velocity of ~11,200 km/s.

    David Strange

    Thanks for the heads up! I caught a spectrum of it last night with an SA100 & C9 30x30s exp.Rotated image 90 deg to avoid galaxy: Think I’ve caught the Si II absorption line at 6127A. Cheers, David

    Eric Walker

    A tricky capture for me – very late to reach darkness at this latitude now (57°N) so object was getting low into the “murk” and skipping the treeline on my WSW horizon.  Managed to catch it as it passed through a gap in the trees and happy enough with the final result.


    Beinn View Observatory, Conon Bridge, Scottish Highlands

    Dr Paul Leyland


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