The Uppsala General Catalog of galaxies (UGC) in Andromeda

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
UGC 285Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h28m+28°56'
PGC 1771
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UGC 288Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h29m+43°25'
PGC 1777
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UGC 291Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h29m+33°06'
PGC 1788
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UGC 293Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h29m+26°22'
PGC 1795
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UGC 294Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h29m+31°22'
PGC 1797
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UGC 299Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h29m+31°23'
PGC 1828
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UGC 302Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h30m+25°08'
PGC 1848
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UGC 303Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h30m+42°06'
PGC 1861
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UGC 306Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h30m+42°11'
PGC 1885
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UGC 310Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h31m+28°59'
PGC 1913
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UGC 311Galaxy14.2Andromeda00h31m+30°47'
NGC 140, PGC 1916
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UGC 318Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h31m+37°40'
PGC 1943
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UGC 319Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h32m+31°40'
PGC 1957
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UGC 321Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h32m+23°23'
PGC 1971
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UGC 325Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h33m+22°12'
PGC 1997
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UGC 330Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h33m+39°32'
PGC 2026
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UGC 332Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h33m+30°43'
NGC 149, PGC 2028
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UGC 334Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h33m+31°27'
PGC 2031
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UGC 336Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h34m+44°08'
PGC 2039
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UGC 337Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h34m+24°36'
PGC 2048
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UGC 338Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h34m+39°36'
PGC 2060
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UGC 344Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h34m+39°32'
PGC 2088
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UGC 345Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h34m+28°24'
PGC 2085
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UGC 346Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h34m+31°56'
PGC 2094
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UGC 347Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h35m+45°31'
PGC 2098
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UGC 352Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h35m+24°14'
PGC 2136
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UGC 354Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h35m+24°02'
PGC 2148
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UGC 355Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h35m+31°52'
PGC 2147
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UGC 356Galaxy12.7Andromeda00h36m+23°57'
NGC 160, PGC 2154
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UGC 360Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h36m+25°48'
PGC 2168
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UGC 362Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h36m+32°44'
PGC 2183
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UGC 363Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h36m+43°48'
PGC 2185
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UGC 365Galaxy13.7Andromeda00h36m+23°59'
NGC 169, PGC 2202
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UGC 366Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h36m+28°53'
PGC 2200
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UGC 367Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h37m+25°41'
PGC 2210
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UGC 368Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h36m+39°06'
PGC 2214
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UGC 371Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h37m+29°08'
PGC 2231
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UGC 372Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h37m+42°54'
PGC 2240
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UGC 375Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h37m+25°38'
PGC 2250
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UGC 376Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h37m+32°41'
PGC 2261
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UGC 381Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h38m+30°53'
PGC 2276
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UGC 384Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h38m+32°38'
PGC 2286
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UGC 387Galaxy12.7Andromeda00h38m+29°30'
NGC 183, PGC 2298
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UGC 388Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h38m+30°17'
PGC 2302
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UGC 394Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h38m+41°59'
PGC 2314
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UGC 395Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h38m+31°32'
PGC 2321
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UGC 398Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h38m+25°38'
PGC 2327
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UGC 400Galaxy15.2Andromeda00h39m+29°39'
PGC 2364
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UGC 411Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h39m+25°38'
PGC 2377
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UGC 412Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h39m+29°45'
PGC 2381
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UGC 425Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h40m+22°42'
PGC 2416
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UGC 426Galaxy8.2Andromeda00h40m+41°41'
M 110, NGC 205, PGC 2429
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UGC 428Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h40m+29°33'
PGC 2428
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UGC 431Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h40m+30°09'
PGC 2441
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UGC 433Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h41m+31°43'
PGC 2458
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UGC 438Galaxy12.2Andromeda00h41m+25°29'
NGC 214, PGC 2479
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UGC 440Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h41m+36°21'
PGC 2493
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UGC 442Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h41m+32°59'
PGC 2504
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UGC 443Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h42m+33°24'
PGC 2520
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UGC 444Galaxy14.0Andromeda00h42m+36°48'
PGC 2517
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UGC 445Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h42m+30°18'
PGC 2529
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UGC 446Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h42m+33°11'
PGC 2540
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UGC 448Galaxy13.2Andromeda00h42m+29°38'
IC 43, PGC 2536
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UGC 449Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h42m+29°41'
PGC 2537
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UGC 452Galaxy9.0Andromeda00h42m+40°51'
M 32, NGC 221, Arp 168, PGC 2555
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UGC 453Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h42m+29°52'
PGC 2553
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UGC 454Galaxy3.4Andromeda00h42m+41°16'
Andromeda Galaxy, Andromeda A, M 31, NGC 224, PGC 2557
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UGC 457Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h42m+33°31'
Mrk 958, PGC 2571
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UGC 458Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h42m+23°30'
NGC 228, PGC 2563
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UGC 459Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h42m+32°34'
NGC 226, PGC 2572
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UGC 464Galaxy13.8Andromeda00h43m+30°35'
NGC 233, PGC 2604
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UGC 465Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h43m+32°51'
PGC 2614
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UGC 467Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h44m+28°52'
PGC 2622
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UGC 469Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h44m+26°12'
PGC 2621
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UGC 470Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h44m+26°50'
PGC 2627
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UGC 471Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h44m+45°25'
PGC 2645
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UGC 478Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h46m+30°14'
PGC 2712
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UGC 479Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h46m+31°48'
PGC 2717
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UGC 480Galaxy13.5Andromeda00h46m+36°19'
NGC 218, PGC 2720
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UGC 483Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h46m+26°28'
PGC 2739
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UGC 484Galaxy14.1Andromeda00h46m+32°40'
PGC 2743
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UGC 485Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h47m+30°20'
PGC 2747
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UGC 489Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h47m+27°49'
IC 1584, PGC 2766
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UGC 491Galaxy12.5Andromeda00h48m+27°37'
NGC 252, PGC 2819
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UGC 497Galaxy14.3Andromeda00h48m+27°41'
NGC 260, PGC 2844
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UGC 499Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h48m+31°57'
NGC 262, Mrk 348, PGC 2855
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UGC 501Galaxy15.2Andromeda00h49m+28°13'
PGC 2865
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UGC 502Galaxy18.0Andromeda00h49m+46°09'
PGC 2869
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UGC 506Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h49m+22°56'
PGC 2894
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UGC 510Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h49m+21°43'
PGC 2914
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UGC 522Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h51m+40°43'
PGC 3011
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UGC 530Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h52m+44°19'
PGC 3058
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UGC 534Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h52m+24°21'
NGC 280, PGC 3076
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UGC 539Galaxy14.7Andromeda00h52m+41°58'
PGC 3103
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UGC 541Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h53m+21°55'
PGC 3120
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UGC 549Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h54m+36°45'
PGC 3218
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UGC 551Galaxy18.0Andromeda00h54m+44°43'
PGC 3230
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UGC 564Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h55m+35°26'
PGC 3265
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UGC 573Galaxy12.7Andromeda00h56m+24°07'
NGC 304, PGC 3326
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UGC 578Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h56m+39°49'
PGC 3351
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