Advance notice of a Comet Section meeting on 2023 July 8.

After a long break we are planning a Comet Section Meeting for the summer of 2023. The venue will be the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich and the date is Saturday, 2023 July 8.

That page will be updated with more details as they become available but please put this date in your diary now.

Comet atop the Annie Maunder dome (Janice McClean)

Our last meeting was in York in 2019. Since then there have been many advances in observing equipment and techniques and we have been treated to a very nice comet, C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE).

The meeting is open to anyone interested in comets. We hope to make it a weekend event with the main meeting on the Saturday and a visit to the NMM and ROG on the Sunday. There are lots of comet connections with the observatory including this comet which is mounted on the dome of the Annie Maunder Astrographic Telescope. Rail, bus and air connections to Greenwich are very good so I hope you can come along.

My thanks to Flamsteed Astronomy Society and to the NMM for their assistance with this event.

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