NEMETODE Workshop, Dunsink Observatory Dublin – Sat 15th Sept

Forums Meteors NEMETODE Workshop, Dunsink Observatory Dublin – Sat 15th Sept

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    Michael O’Connell

    Hi All,

    I am pleased to announce that NEMETODE in conjunction with Dunsink Observatory Dublin will be running a workshop in Dunsink Observatory on Saturday 15th September. The event is completely free and open to all.

    If you are in the UK (or further afield), you’re more than welcome to pop over for the day. The venue is just a few miles from Dublin Airport.

    Below is a draft schedule – times subject to change slightly:
    10:45: Registration
    11:00: Meteor Camera Workshop (hardware and software) – William Stewart and Alex Pratt
    12:30: Bring your own Picnic / Observatory Tour
    13:30: BRAMS and Radio Meteor Zoo – Cis Verbeeck, International Meteor Organisation (via video link) 
    14:15: SCAMP / FRIPON Camera Network – Jim Rowe
    14:45: Subject TBC – Apostolos Christou, Armagh Observatory
    15:15: Asteroid Occultations – Alex Pratt
    15:45: Meteor Spectroscopy – Bill Ward
    16:15: Final Q&A and Conference Close 
    We are currently finalising a public talk for the Friday night – details TBC later.
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Jeremy Shears

    Looks like an excellent workshop, Michael, with a great line up of speakers. I wish you an enjoyable day!

    Michael O’Connell

    Thanks Jeremy.

    Peter Carson

    Hello Michael,

    I’m interested in the workshop. I’m in the process of setting up a meteor camera, so i’m keen to learn all I can. Please let me know when details of the event are available.


    Michael O’Connell

    Hi Peter,

    You’re more than welcome to attend!

    I’m guessing the easiest route for you would be from Stansted with Ryanair? They’ve flights every couple of hours.

    A few other BAA members have emailed me expressing an interest in attending.

    If the flights were arriving at similar times, I could collect you all from the airport.

    May I suggest that you email me please:   michael [at] astroshot [dot] com

    We can then try and coordinate flight times.

    At this stage, the venue is confirmed and speakers have booked their flights.



    Michael O’Connell

    Schedule Update:

    Jim Rowe will pop over to Dublin for the conference and will give a talk on SCAMP/FRIPON.

    He will take my talk slot.



    Eric Watkins


    I will be setting up a video camera for meteor capture and spectroscopy this autumn.

    Is there any possibility that the meeting could be video recorded for those who would like to attend, but are unable too.



    Michael O’Connell

    Hi All,

    We’d like to get a handle on the expected number of attendees.

    If you are interested in attending and have not contacted me already, I would appreciate if you can email me please:
    michael [at] astroshot [dot] com
    Michael O’Connell


    Good question.

    I would like to record the event, but I personally don’t have a setup to do it. However, I will examine it and see what we can do.

    In the interim, I would appreciate if you can drop me an email. We’d be more than happy to help get you up and running.



    Eric Watkins


     I’ll be in touch during September I expect.


    Michael O’Connell

    After a successful event, I would like a say a massive THANK YOU to the following people for making the event happen:

    – The Speakers for preparing and delivering an excellent set of talks. They really were top class!

    – Dunsink Observatory for kindly hosting the event. Particular thanks to Jonathan, Sam and Hilary.

    – All those who travelled to the event, especially those who flew over from the UK. Great to see good turnout of BAA members!

    – Nick James very kindly brought the voice recorder and so in due course I hope to sync the audio with the PowerPoint files and share them here. Thanks Nick!

    – Mike Foylan for setting up his meteor camera demonstration.

    – Stephen Corcoran ( for setting up his meteorite display

    – Everyone else who helped out in their own way to make the event happen.

    – Many thanks of course to the BAA for always supporting events like this and encouraging like-minded enthusiasts to get together.



    William Stewart

    Mike – as the driving force behind the meeting I just wanted to say thanks to you for all the hard work in pulling this together. The meeting was entertaining, informative and inspiring and it was good to meet up with so many friends.

    Events of this quality do not happen by themselves so hats off to you for organising such a great lineup. You’ve set a very high bar for the future.

    Best regards


    Nick James


    Very many thanks from me as well. An excellent meeting showing just what amateurs can do now in meteor research. Sorry that we had to rush off at the end. I do need a new satnav though, either that or start looking at maps again. It sent me up the wrong end of Dunsink Lane which was a bit scary…



    Dear Michael, William and Alex, Thank you for a truly great weekend. Great location, excellent hospitality, and lots of enthusiasm from top speakers and fellow attendees.  I hope this can be an annual event. Took the opportunity to visit Birr Castle on Sunday and to be reminded of the long history of collaboration between Ireland and the UK in the world of astronomy. Long may it continue, with great events such as yours. Hopefully we will see you all at Armagh for the next BAA Autumn meeting in September 2019.

    Mike Foylan

    I would just like to echo the positive sentiments of the NEMETODE workshop held at Dunsink Observatory Dublin. Not only was the workshop itself excellent and very informative but it was also great to meet-up with friends, colleagues and like minded people, especially those folks and speakers that travelled from various parts of the UK.

    We are truly lucky to have Michael amongst us in the astronomy community to organise and get things done in a professional and timely manner, not only is he of great service to the BAA but also to the wider astronomy community. I would also like to thank Dunsink Observatory and its staff for not only hosting the event but also taking a proactive approach in ensuring things went as smoothly as they did.

    Janice made very important points on our shared rich astronomical history and heritage, working in friendly collaboration and establishing new friendships. Events such as this are a wonderful way in ensuring we continue these traditions.

    Michael O’Connell

    Thanks for the kind words guys. Glad you enjoyed the day.

    Most of the talks are now up on YouTube:



    Alex Pratt

    Congratulations Michael in linking the audio tracks (thanks to Nick’s recording gizmos) with the speakers’ PPT slides to produce the YouTube videos. They are a much appreciated permanent record of the formal talks at the workshop.

    Your hard work makes them available to anyone who couldn’t attend.

    Clear skies,


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