Reply To: New website feedback

Forums Website News and Help New website feedback Reply To: New website feedback

William Bristow

What happened to the private message function?

Is the PM facility hidden away somewhere or no longer possible?

That was a useful way of contacting other members for conversations that would otherwise be of little interest to general readers.

I have been trying to find a way to contact @paul-leyland (was Xilman) off-forum with a download link for the latest ASCOM LazyFocus drivers which I know he is trying to find.


Paul, if you read this, log-in to the ASCOM user forum and look in the files section for a folder called “EasyFocus”, in that folder is a RAR archive called “LazyFocus”, unzip that RAR archive to find the necessary LazyFocus DLL’s and a readme that describes how to install them and the Windows registry entry that you need to manually create.

This web address takes you directly to that folder on the ASCOM Groups.IO site:

If you don’t have a account and no access to the ASCOM users forum then open a new LazyFocus topic under the Imaging category here and I will post a link to that folder in my personal shared G-DRIVE folder.