CCD Astronomy magazine

Forums For Sale / Wants / Giveaway CCD Astronomy magazine

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  • #628397

    I have a number of copies of CCD Magazine from the mid 1990s, but I’d like to get a complete set. Does anyone have the ones I am missing they’d be willing to let me have or sell to me. I think Winter 1997 was the last esition.

    I am missing:
    Winter 1994
    Spring 1996
    Winter 1996
    Spring 1997
    Summer 1997
    Fall 1997

    I have:
    Spring 1994
    Summer 1994
    Fall 1994
    Spring 1995
    Summer 1995
    Fall 1995
    Winter 1995
    Summer 1996
    Fall 1996
    Winter 1997


    James Dawson

    • This topic was modified 6 days, 7 hours ago by Dawson.
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi James,
    I think I amy have the magazines you are looking for. I will have to root through my study and see if I can locate them. If so you are welcome to them, maybe a full set!
    Denis Buczynski

    Denis Buczynski

    Hi again James, I have now looked and found that I have:
    1994 Spring Summer Fall.
    1995, all four issues
    1996 all four issues.
    If you want them I can post them to you, let me have your postal address.


    Denis, thank you. I’ll email you my address.

    If anyone else has copies, I’ll still need:

    Winter 1994
    Spring 1997
    Summer 1997
    Fall 1997



    Thanks to Denis I now have a complete set of these. The numbering is odd (and incorrect) and is as follows:

    Spring 1994, Vol 1, number 1 (“Premier issue”)
    Summer 1994, 1, 2
    Fall 1994, 1, 3
    Winter 1995, 2, 1
    Spring 1995, 2, 1 (it should be 2, 2 but presumably misprinted)
    Summer 1995, 2, 3
    Fall 1995, 2, 4
    Winter 1996, 3, 1
    Spring 1996, 3, 2
    Summer 1996, 3, 3
    Fall 1996, 3, 4
    Winter 1997, 4, 1 (final edition)

    Thanks also to Jeremy Shears for giving me the original copies a few years ago.


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