Help in identifying galaxy in image

Forums General Discussion Help in identifying galaxy in image

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  • #614585
    Trevor Clifton

    Trying to find out if the galaxy ringed in the attached image has been catalogued.
    My internet searches have drawn a blank so any help would be appreciated

    Dr Paul Leyland

    Hmm. I measure the position of the nucleus as 06:20:55 +78:10:46.

    There is a g=21 star at that position named EDR3-1140862546405873664 and a 15th magnitude star nearby in a whole bunch of catalogues, but I can’t find any catalogued galaxies.

    There is also an IR source in the AllWISE catalogue J062057.74+780931.9 but no details other than the magnitude in various bands.

    What a curious state of affairs, because it is clearly a large and bright object.

    Added in edit: perhaps it isn’t a galaxy. Could it be an especially bright bit of IFN?

    Nick James

    Aladin shows a faint galaxy at this position and the NASA/IPAC database lists two sources associated with it. The WISE source that Paul identified and a GALEXASC source (GALEXASC J062056.21+781041.4). Do you know when the background image in your message was taken?

    Trevor Clifton

    Thank you both for looking at this. I am waiting for an email so I can furnish the imagining data etc.

    The dual rig will have its cameras changed tomorrow as it looks like it will be clear here. These cameras will be better suited to improving the detail of the object and my RC will also be fitted with the same camera. As soon as the data is processed I will post the image.


    Trevor Clifton

    The data was collected with the dual Esprit150/IMX571OSC/UV/IR cut filter rig over two nights 5th and 12th November, it comprises 204 x 2 min subs, calibrated with Darks, Flats and Dark Flats. All data was collected between 19:00 hrs and 24:00 hrs.

    Imaging location: Long -2o45’41”, Lat 52o40’31”

    Graeme Coates

    The galaxy is present on DSS2 and PanStarrs plates (see Aladin screenshot) – I don’t think it is IFN – it’s a UV source, which seems unlikely for cold dust/gas.

    There’s quite a lot of galaxies that don’t appear in “standard” catalogues (and you do sometimes wonder how it was missed when others weren’t) – I think the GALEXASC reference is as good as you’re going to get here. It does look like a small, but interesting galaxy – possibly irregular or interacting? – the PanStarrs data (attached) is maybe clearest, but even then, it’s not enough to get a clear view as it were.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Graeme Coates.
    Trevor Clifton

    Here is the best we can do on the object.

    Nick James

    Here’s a grotty image of the field from last night (Dec 15). It was quite hazy and my sky is very bright at the moment due to the blanket of now on the ground.

    Trevor Clifton

    I had trouble seeing it on my monitor so had to locate the galaxy NGC2146 and move it down a bit to be sure I had the right bit of sky.
    Taken with a 10 inch RC and ASI1600 mono with RGB filters
    60 two minute subs with IR filter and 10 two minute subs each RGB
    In the image its at the 1 o’clock position near the top

    Given our species desire to name and catalogue everything it is unusual that this one got missed. Its now in a catalogue we started as SNG20221 !

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