Dear All,
During the night of 06th / 07th October 2014, NEMETODE cameras (operated by members of the BAA Meteor Section for the primary purpose detecting meteors) recorded a series of Transient Luminous Events over the Irish Sea. More commonly known as “Sprites” these particular events were in actual fact “Blue Jets” and occurred close to the Isle of Man. Triggered by lightning, these events extend high into the upper atmosphere (circa 80km) yet only last for a few 10s of milliseconds.
These observations by Graham Roche, Michael O’Connell and David Anderson are notable in that the first set were simultaneously recorded by cameras from three different locations while the second set were captured from two seperate locations. This enables accurate triangulation to be performed and work is ongoing to determine the actual height and range from the progenitor lightning event.
Have included a single image below … further images and videos (slowed down by a factor of 10) are available on the NEMETODE website but in the meantime congratulations to Graham, Michael and David for their remarkable observations.
Best regards