New RCB star in Cam – call for photometry/spectroscopy

Forums Variable Stars New RCB star in Cam – call for photometry/spectroscopy

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  • #574119
    Gary Poyner

    Gabriel Murawski has announced on BAAVSS alert 5075 that he has discovered a possible new RCB star using archive ASAS-SN data.  He has called for photometry and spectroscopy in order that the type can be confirmed.  You can see the alert message here

    I expect one or two spectroscopists might be interested in this as well as VS photometrists.


    David Swan

    Thanks for pointing this out Gary. I’m going to adopt this star and do regular filtered V measurements with my CMOS. There seems to be a good number of suitable APASS stars within 20-30arcmin for reference and check. David

    Gary Poyner

    Good luck David.  Please share your results with us here, and the BAAVSS database of course.


    David Swan

    Still waiting on a clear patch. Hopefully I’ll get my first measurement this eve.

    Eric Watkins

    I imaged this a few nights ago ( I think I got the fov, but pointing played up). I’m getting around to checking the image this evening.

    I will let you know.


    David Swan

    2018 09 05 20:35 UT

    Maxim DL Photometry on 10 x 20s stack through Baader V filter

    Ref (000-BMT-466) set as V = 13.77

    Variable (IRAS 03536+6235) measured V = 15.08

    Check (000-BMT-467) measured V = 14.20 

    Gary Poyner

    Good to see people are monitoring this one.  My first visual estimate last night was 15.0 in a poor sky.

    I’ll ask Andy to add this object to the BAAVSS database.


    Andy Wilson

    I have added this star to the VSS database. Strictly speaking this isn’t necessary as any new stars created by uploading observations are automatically added to a list which I review once per quarter.

    Measurements made by Maxim DL can be added to the database, though it is a bit manual. Richard Lee will be demonstrating how to analyse photometry using AIJ and the updated BAAVSS Photometry spreadsheet at the Observer’s Workshop on 29th September. This creates an output file that can simply be uploaded into the database. I will be demonstrating how to upload observations at the workshop, it is very easy.



    Robin Leadbeater

    On it now with the ALPY600. It is very weak but there is clear H alpha in emission.  Raw spectrum image (30min) attached


    Robin Leadbeater

    Here is the reduced spectrum.  Very noisy but the H alpha emission is clear.  The continuum is very red but there is high extinction in this direction. Total galactic E(B-V) is ~1.0 according to IRSA. The Na D line is clear but again that could be Interstellar.  


    David Swan

    I have been measuring the V mag of this star (about) every week since Gary highlighted it as ‘new’ RCB. My last measurement was V = 14.64 on 2018/09/17 20:49 UT.

    Robin Leadbeater

    Latest feedback from Gabriel Murawski based on the spectrum is that this may in fact be a YSO. It is currently being looked at by experts in this area.


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