Request for data

Forums Spectroscopy Request for data

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  • #626764
    Ken Whight

    Could anyone with a Shelyak LhiresIII or similar please supply me with a 2400 lines/mm fits file of the Solar spectrum in the region of the Sodium D lines collected by reflection off of Jupiter’s moon Europa? No wavelength calibration data is needed provided both lines are present in the same data set. I’m requesting data as unfortunately my data collection days are over.
    I have the complete solar spectrum kindly supplied to me at high resolution by Johannes D Clausen, via the RSPEC user group, but collected using a different method i.e. scattered daylight. Whilst this data is practically identical to that which I collected at Halpha there is a difference at Hbeta so I would like Sodium D line data collected via reflection off of Europa as a check on my methodology. If I could also be supplied with Europa Hbeta data (fits file plus calibration) I might be able to chase down the reason for the difference between my data and that supplied by Johannes.
    I’m hoping to use the D line data to estimate the relative abundance of Sodium in the solar photosphere.
    Ken Whight

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Ken Whight.
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