NLO members, John Bardsley, Bill Hitchings & Pete Youd have spent the last six months restoring this wondeful 19th century Orrery to full working order. It was donated by a member of the British Sundial society On arrival it consited of a painted wooden base, the Sun and Mercury and the clockwork mechanism but no other planets. Pete restored and french polished the base. John who is a master watchmaker/repairer, worked on the mechanism,repaired the gears and made new arms. Bill restored the Earth and 3D printed Saturn and the remaining planets (this orrery allso includes asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Vesta). It is believed to have been made in Germany circa 1895, but we would be grateful for further information about this remarkable model of the solar system.
The Orrery was so named after the 4th Earl of Orrery, Charles Boyle (1674-1731) who commissioned master clockmaker George Graham (1673 – 1751) to construct a working model of the solar system.
NLO Chairman