Having been lucky enough to have had an excellent view of the total solar eclipse on 8th April, I have been unable to find the “official numbers” of the two sunspots prominently visible that day, nor indeed any images showing them on an uneclipsed disc (labelled or otherwise). Can anyone help please?
Thanks Alex. Seems I’ve had a bit of a blind spot as far as that image is concerned as I regularly look at Spaceweather but for some reason I just scrolled down looking for images while entirely failing to notice that of the Sun prominently displayed to the left! Doh!!
Yes, I did think of trying SOHO but also drew a blank so perhaps I was looking in the wrong place on their website. Thanks for giving me the correct link.
Having been lucky enough to have had an excellent view of the total solar eclipse on 8th April, I have been unable to find the “official numbers” of the two sunspots prominently visible that day, nor indeed any images showing them on an uneclipsed disc (labelled or otherwise). Can anyone help please?
Here is SOHOs picture from 8. April and my SeeStar photo fra 8. April 12.03 DST (UT +2)